


Exported Net

In the eXpress eXpress Model topology export format, the Net column contains the abbreviation of the net that is connected to the port(s) listed in the Port column for the current row. Only a single net can be listed in each cell in this column. This same net abbreviation will typically appear in multiple rows, however, since multiple rows are usually needed to define all of the net connections. The most common situation in which a net is listed only once is when the spreadsheet does not include I/O flags (in which case the nets represent the inputs and ouputs of the model). In this case, the net will only be imported if the "Auto-Create I/O Flags for dangling nets" feature is enabled in the eXpress Spreadsheet Topology Import. A less common situation in which a net could be listed only once in a spreadsheet is when the net is connected only to two bidirectional ports—both with default functions and dependencies—on the same object and both of these ports were listed in the same cell in the Port column (although the eXpress eXpress Model topology export would list these ports in separate rows, it is possible to represent this using a single row). Throughout the spreadsheet, all occurrences of a given net name are assumed to be the same net. In fact, when a design contains more than one net with the same abbreviation, eXpress will automatically modify one of the names during export (see Handling of Duplicate Names). In the example below, the net "RF Inlet Solenoid Valve" is connected to five ports on five different objects, whereas the net "RF Out SV" has only a single connection.
Information in the following columns, when included, can be used to describe nets listed in the Net column: