


Working With Objects

Feature Description

The basic element of an eXpress model is the Object. It is a symbol that can be identified as an "Assembly", a "Component", or a "part of a component" (Identified using "Item Reference" for the entire component), an "IO Flag" or an "Annotation" (used for ID's and other info such as titles - Has no ports or dependency characteristics).
NOTE: Each object must have a unique Name.
When adding components using replicate or copy/paste eXpress will atomatically add a number (1thru n) to modify a name that has already been used.
Objects can have any shape See: Navigating Symbol Libraries.
When a symbol is placed on the design window and selected the Context panel, shown below, will allow the Analyst to fill the Symbol Details ("Abbreviation", "Item Reference", Provide a "Description", Set the "Object Color", "Object size", "Text Color" and "Text position")

Direct Links to Object Characteristics