


Diagnostic Analysis Overview


Feature Description  

While there are many extensive purposes for the eXpress modeling tool the main function of the tool is validation of a system design, for its ability to test and identiy faults within the system, provide isolation of these faults to a minimal ambiguity set for repair and also to provide mutiple type reports of the diagnostic capabilities of the system. The Modeling capability of eXpress provides the structure of the system and Diagnostics provide the detection and isolation capability of the system. This section of the eXpress help is provided to aid the Analyst in making the proper setups and options to achieve success in using the diagnostics capabilty of eXpress. The model should be complete and free of errors to have correct results in the Diagnostics.
Before running diagnostic studies the Analyst should have a good understanding of the Modeling Process Modeling in eXpress, and Test types Tests Overview .  This Overview is designed to aquaint the Analyst with the basic concepts needed to understand Types of Diagnostics, Phases of Diagnostics, Diagnostic Algorithms, Diagnostic Options Controls, Diagnostic Defaults, Diagnostic Error messages associated with Diagnostics, and Analyst Runtime Controls (setups )of Diagnostics. Following this overview are links to the major diagnostic areas needed to prepare the analyst for Diagnostic Analysis.

How to initate a Diagnostic session

This Icon opens a Diagnostic Study Window shown below as it looks after a diagnostic study has been run.  The tree Shown to the left of the diagnostic window is a typical Detection/Isolation tree. Detection consists of the left most vertical blocks each of which represents a detected Ambiguity set. All Blocks to the right of the left most Blocks are the isolation breakdown of the detected ambiguity set into the smallest possible replacement sets.

The Diagnostic Window

Here we see the diagnostic path for the Detection Option Detect Malfunctions with Fewest Tests (default). Running detection (Test 1-0) for this Algorithm resulted in an Ambiguity of 23 Items which isolation Test 1-1 then split into two ambiguity parts. In the flow diagram coloring is used to show different Isolation results of an Isolation path. 

Coloring of the Flow Diagram

Note: The isolation path of interest must be selected to see the coloring
In the chosen path (Fault Group # 4) we see a detected ambiguity set (Test 1-0) an ambiguity of 23 Items, reduced to 5 items by isolation test 1-1 then isolated  (horisontal path) to 3 Size one ambiguities (Fault Groups 1,2,&3)  by tests 1-2,1-3,& 1-4 and the selected 4 item ambiguity set (Fault Group #4). This flow diagram shows the best the system can do with the selected tests. Note trhat the Battery and ECU is isolated out in one instance but also part of the ambiguity set of 4. This is because not all function/failure modes of these items can be isolated with the existing tests. The model drawing at right shows the detected items of Test 1-0  with color and the window below gives the statistics of the isolation run.  Also note that Fault Group # 4 items (Selected in the flow diagram) are shown in red in the model diagram.

Coloring of the model Diagram

Here too similar coloring is used:

Calculate Fault Groups Flow diagram

Included here also is the flow diagram resulting from running the above algorithm for detection only and then running "Calculate Fault Groups". This Analyst chosen "Study Generate Option"  shows  the basic Ambiguity sets that detection achieved for the given algorithm chosen. This is included here for information only to show the original 23 items of which only the first 5 were shown isolated out in this illustration. The vertical path from test 1-1 above provides the additional isolations not shown here to isolate these addional 18 items into 19 Ambiguity sets of 2 and 1 additional ambiguity of 4 plus multiple ambiguities of 1. Note the detection of this model was only 74.64% (poor) of which 80.22 % of the detected model was isolated to an ambiguity size of 1 (Very Good).