


Data Source Administration Overview


Feature Description


What Is Data Source Administration?

- Data Source Administration is a main feature of eXpress for controlling lower level assembly linking, Design Templates, Spreadsheet Importing, XML Imports and Plugin Imports
Use toolbar ICON, shown at left, to open Data Source Administration Window
The Data Source Administration Window
The window to the right shown here for familiarization is a prime control element of the eXpress tool. Data Source Administration provides Controls for 5 eXpress data source categories.
The "New" Button at the bottom of the window is used to open create new Data Source windows as described for each of the categories listed in the table below.
The Data Source Properties window at the right will change for each of the main uses of the Data Source Administration. Here we see the Assembly Data source window. The Links given below will provide helps for each of these features
Following are links to Importing Helps. The Data Source Administration dialog provides the ability to explicitly control the data sources from which data is extracted, inherited or imported. This dialog can be invoked by selecting "Data Source Administration" from the Import submenu within the File menu, or holding down the Ctrl+D key combination on the keyboard. Using this dialog, the Analyst can change theĀ Assembly Links Port Rollup Controls of assemblies or perform and manage the following types of data sources (refer to the topic "Spreadsheet importing" for additional information)
 For Controlling Lower level Assembly Rollups to Top Assy 
 For ControllingTemplates
 For Controlling Imports
For Importing a model
XML Imports
For Controlling XML Imports
Plugin Imports
For Controlling Plugin Imports (Not covered in Help)