


Design Templates Overview


Feature Description


The Term Template in eXpress

In eXpress

the term Design Template refers to the control

of Attributes for the model and its Hierarchical elements. A Design Template(s) specifies the attributes to be used for the model.  [See Attributes Overview] Data Administration is used to setup new templates and/or select existing Templates. Multiple Templates can be assigned to a model to add Groups of pre-defined attributes [Ex. Basic Attributes, Custom Severity (MIL-STD-1629)] and/or once developed from existing templates the accumulation can be saved under a new name (Prefered method for large models) to be used by a given model set using Manage Design Templates.  Existing  Pre-defined Templates reside in C:\ProgramData\DSI International\eXpress\Templates. These will show when Manage Design Templates is selected for the Analyst to view and/or select. "Hierarchical Save" allows the analyst to specify an update to all Design Templates and Attributes at every level so that all lower level models are using the same Template(s) and contain the same attributes. See Hierarchical Save.
In Data Source Administration
Selecting the Design Templates New Data Source as shown below opens the window at the right (right hand mouse button) to allow the Analyst to define a new design Template using Manage Design Templates
The User can select an existing Design Template as Shown below:
The Design Template Data Source panel appears when a design template data source is highlighted in the Data Source Administration (depicted below).
Using this panel, the Analyst can specify the name and location of the template file from which design data is to be imported.

How to Create a Design Template Data Source

To create a Design Template Data Source in the Data Source Administration dialog follow these steps:
Invoke the Data Source Administration dialog by selecting "Data Source Administration" ICON in the toolbar
Alternative 1: Press the Ctrl+D key combination.
Alternative 2: From the Import submenu within the File menu.
Click on the "New" button (the Create Data Source dialog will appear).
Alternative: Right-click on the "Plug-In Data Sources" folder and select "New Data Source..." from the pop-up context menu.
Using the Create Data Source dialog, select "Design Template" and click on the "OK" button.
Fill out the fields on the Design Template Data Source panel that will now appear on the Data Source Administration dialog.
Click on the "Update Now" button to cause the import to occur.
If you wish to maintain an active link to the design template file (so that values are re-imported when the file changes), enable the "Update Interval" checkbox.
Press the "Done" button to exit the Data Source Administration dialog.