


Spreadsheet Importing Overview


Feature Description

One of the great modeling timesavers can be the importing of data from external sources. In order to import data into eXpress, the data must not only exist in a format suitable for import, but also must be represented in a scope that is suitable for importing into eXpress. Despite these challenges, usable data is often available or can be reformatted for importing.
eXpress imports are set up and performed in Data Source Administration, a dialog that allows the Analyst to manage the creation of data from different external sources. In fact, because eXpress considers assemblies to be objects whose definitions are imported from an external data source, assembly definitions are also controlled using the Data Source Administration dialog.
Types of Importing Supported by eXpress
One of the key types of external data sources supported within eXpress are Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. There are some Guidelines to using Microsoft Excel that should be followed to maximize the ease with which data can be imported. In eXpress, the following spreadsheet imports are available:
Within Data Source Administration, the Analyst can also set up a Design Template as a data source. These templates (which are created by eXpress) contain Attribute definitions that can be imported, thereby ensuring that multiple models use identical Attributes.
Another powerful way of importing data into an eXpress model is to take advantage of the eXpress open architecture, writing a procedure that populates certain elements of an eXpress design.
Of course, data can also be imported (pasted) into eXpress from the Windows Clipboard. This is particularly useful in Grid View, where data can be easily copied and pasted to a range of elements in an eXpress design.