


Spreadsheet Failure Mode Import


Feature Description

The Attribute Import Data Source panel (depicted below) appears when an Attribute import Data source is highlighted in the Data Source Administration dialog.
Using this panel, the Analyst can specify the necessary properties associated with importing values for a single Attribute (to import values for more than one Attribute, mutliple data sources must be set up).
When "New" is selected in Data Source Administration the Window to the right is opened to allow the Analyst to select "Spreadsheet Failure Mode Import" from the 6 typed of imports shown.
This in turn will then show up in the main Data Source Administration window as shown below.
Here the path to the Excel file was selected using the Browse button (C:\ProgramData\DSI International\eXpress\Designs\Braking_2\Braking Sys Failure Modes.xlsx) and the Name of the file (Braking Top Assy Failure Mode Import) was put into the Data source Name field to distinquish this failure mode import from the other assemblies imports to use on following import updates of this assy.  this name will now appear in the Data source left window under Spreadsheet Imports.
If the Excel file Column name for each Excel Item to be imported is not showing the window will show "Not Selected".  The Analyst should then uncheck "Automatically select columns" and "Allow only recognized columns". This will allow the Analyst to manually select the column wanted from the window.
Selecting the "Options" Button in the above Panel will open the Import Affected Functions Setup panel shown to the right so the Analyst can select preferences for the  Affected Functions of the imported failure modes
To initiate the import select "Update Now" shown in the panel above.
The Analyst may also setup and automatic update "Update Interval" at a periodic time.
Failure Modes can be imported from an Excel spreadsheet using a Failure Mode Spreadsheet data source.

Typical spreadsheet to import

- The following spreadsheet shows an example of how the spreadsheet might look for importing failure modes:
File Name : Braking Model Failure modes.xlsx - Typical spreadsheet to import

How to Create a Failure Mode Import Data Source

To create a Data Source for importing failure modes in the Data Source Administration dialog follow these steps:
Invoke the Data Source Administration dialog by selecting "Data Source Administration" from the Import submenu within the File menu.
Alternative : Press the Ctrl+D key combination.
Click on the "New" button (the Create Data Source dialog will appear).
Alternative: Right-click on the "Failure Modes" folder and select "New Data Source..." from the pop-up context menu.
Using the Create Data Source dialog, select "Spreadsheet Failure Mode Import" and click on the "OK" button.
Fill out the fields on the Failure Mode Import Data Source panel that will now appear on the Data Source Administration dialog.
Click on the "Update Now" button to cause the import to occur.
If you wish to maintain an active link to the spreadsheet file (so that values are re-imported when the file changes), enable the "Update Interval" checkbox.
Press the "Done" button to exit the Data Source Administration dialog.