


Failure Mode Import Data Source Panel


Feature Description

The Failure Mode Import Data Source panel (depicted below) appears when a failure mode import data source is highlighted in the Data Source Administration dialog. Using this panel, the Analyst can specify the necessary properties associated with importing failure modes.
The following properties are used in establishing a failure mode import:
Data Source Name
a Analyst-assigned label describing the import (changes to the data source name are reflected in the tree on the left side of the Data Source Administration dialog).
Data Source Filename
specifies the Excel file from which failure modes will be imported (use the folder icon to select the file).
Failure Mode Name Col
identifies the sheet and column that contains the failure mode name.
Failure Mode Pctg. Col
identifies the sheet and column that contains the failure mode percentage (optional).
Degraded Functions Col
identifies the column that contains the list of degraded functions (optional).
Affected Function Setup
invokes the Import Affected Functions Setup dialog for advanced control over the import of affected functions.
Spread Sheet Key Col
identifies the column that contains the name of the object for which the failure mode will be created.
Express Key Field
identifies which of the following object characteristics are to be used for comparison:
  • Object Name =
  • If it is filled out, match the item reference field; otherwise, match the abbreviation field.
  • Object Abbr =
  • Look for a matching object abbreviation, and change the object Attribute if found.
  • Object Reference =
  • Look for a matching item reference, and change the object Attribute if found.
Update Interval
The frequency at which eXpress will check if the file has changed and re-import the data if necessary.