


Item Reference


Feature Description


What are Item Reference Designators

An Item Reference Designator (sometime referred to as an Item Reference, Item Reference ID, or Circuit ID) is an alphanumeric label that can be associated with any object (with the exception of an annotation) and which is used during analysis to identify that multiple objects are part of the same replacement entity (i.e., item). Item Reference Designators can be edited within Grid View or using the Details or Object Batch Changes panels.

How to Edit Item Reference Designators (using Grid View)

Select the object for which the reference designator is to be edited.
Alternative: Reference designator can be edited for all objects by invoking Grid View with nothing selected. 
Click on the Grid View icon on the View toolbar.
If necessary, select "Objects" from the Contents Type drop-box on the Grid Control panel.
Enable "Object Details" on the Grid Control panel.
Edit the label that appears in the Item Reference column for the desired object.

How To Edit the Item Reference Designator for a Single Object (using Panels)

Select the object for which the reference designator is to be edited.
Choose the Details tab within the context panels.
Click in the Item Reference box on the Details panel and enter the desired name (the name can also be pasted into this box).
Alternative: If the Item Reference Designator has already been assigned to another object in the same design, the Analyst can click on the arrow icon to the right of the Item Reference box and select the label from the displayed list.

How To Edit the Item Reference Designator for a Batch of Objects (using Panels)

Select the objects for which the reference designator is to be edited.
Click in the Item Reference box on the Object Batch Changes panel and enter the desired name (the name can also be pasted into this box).
Alternative: If the Item Reference Designator has already been assigned to another object in the same design, the Analyst can click on the arrow icon to the right of the Item Reference box and select the label from the displayed list.
Click on the "Apply" button at the bottom of the Object Batch Changes panel.