


Grid View

Select the button shown from View toolbar:

What is Grid View?

In Grid View, eXpress design data is presented in a spreadsheet-like grid in the main design window (see below). Because data for multiple design elements can be displayed simultaneously, Grid View is often the easiest way to edit data for multiple elements (including batch changes). Grid View can be invoked by clicking on the yellow Grid View icon on the View toolbar or by selecting "Grid View" from the View menu. The selected columns to be shown will be (Shown Left to Right) in the order of selection of Check boxes allowing any desired order to be shown. Here the LCN was chosen first then the Part number etc. The Analyst can make the display order into a template Grid View Templates so repeated use of Grid View will not require repeated setup of the left to right display order
Working within Grid View
To learn more about working within Grid View, select from the following topics: