


Grid View Selecting Design Elements


Feature Description

In Grid View, the data that is used to populate the grid is constrained to those specific design elements (objects, tests, etc.) that are currently selected (highlighted) in the design. This must not be confused with the Grid View contents type, which specifies the specific type of design element to be displayed in each row. For example, if two test sets were selected in the Explorer Tree and the contents type were set to "Tests", then the grid would be populated with all tests that are defined within the two selected test sets.
When defining the elements from which data will be displayed in Grid View, the Analyst can follow one of three basic approaches:
Note: Once Grid View has been invoked, the Analyst can change the elements used to populate the grid by selecting different folders or elements within the Explorer Tree.
Special Feature: When in Grid View, the grid can be reduced so that it only contains a subset of the currently displayed rows by selecting cells in the rows to be retained, holding down the <Ctrl> key on the keyboard, and then clicking on the Grid View icon on the View toolbar.