


View Toolbar

The View toolbar (depicted below) contains icons that can be used to invoke the different View and Show commands. View commands control how a design document is presented in the main design window, whereas the Show commands can be used to create and switch between multiple document files.
View Toolbar
This Toolbar is used to Select 3 different Windows (Design, Diagnostics and FMECA) & 3 different Views of the Design Window. There is an alternative method of selecting the 3 windows using the Link shown below:

Show Design Window

1. Show Design Window
Altenative menu method : Show Commands

Show Diagnostics Window

2. Show Diagnostics Window
Altenative menu method  : Show Commands

Show FMECA Window

3. Show FMECA Window
Altenative menu method : Show Commands

Drawing View

4. Drawing View

List View

5. List View
Show the List View in the main Window

Grid View

6. Grid View
Show the Grid View in the main Window
NOTE: If multiple models are open in eXpress use the Window Pull-Down Menu to select the correct model. Then the above commands will associate with that model.
Note: Whereas all six icons are enabled when the active document is an eXpress design (.exd) file, only the three Show icons are enabled when a Diagnostic Study or FMECA Study document is active.