


Standard Toolbar

The Standard toolbar (depicted below) contains icons that provide quick access to several commonly used operations that appear in the File and Edit menus.
Standard Toolbar
Note: The New and Open icons are always enabled. The Save and Print icons are enabled whenever a document of any type (design file, Diagnostic Study or FMECA Study) is active. The Hierarchical Save icon is only enabled when the active document is a hierarchical design file (i.e., it contains at least one assembly). The Cut and Copy icons are enabled whenever an eXpress element is selected for which those two operations apply. Finally, the Paste icon is enabled when an eXpress element has been copied to the Windows clipboard.
As with many common MS Windows applications, eXpress also uses standard keyboard short-cuts such as:
The following operations can be invoked using the icons on this toolbar:


1. New
Creates a New Diagnostic Design, Diagnostic Study or FMECA Study


2. Open
Opens a specified file


3. Save
Saves the Design



4. Hierarchical 
Saves All Hierarchically Linked Design files


5. Paste
Pastes eXpress elements that have been previously copied / cut to clipboard memory

Format Painter

6. Format Painter
Allows Object formats to be easily copied from one to another. You can copy the appearance of an object (or net) and apply it to another. Simply highlight an object and click on  the Format Painter icon (to the right of the Paste icon on the Standard toolbar). All of the selected object’s visual properties—including its assigned symbol, size, orientation, color and text formatting—will be quickly scanned. Then, click on the object to which you wish to apply these properties. The selected object will instantly take on the appearance of the “scanned” object. To copy an object’s appearance to more than one object, select the source object and then double-click on the Format Painter icon. Then select your target objects, one at a time—the appearance of each object will change as you click on it. This feature will stay active until you click on the Format Painter icon again (or click on the background of the eXpress design). You can also apply a format to multiple objects by lassoing them while the Format Painter is active. The Format Painter also allows you to copy properties common to multiple elements and assign them to a single element. If multiple objects are selected when the Format Painter is invoked, eXpress will scan all selected objects to determine the shared visual properties. Only properties common to all of the scanned objects will be applied to the selected target(s).


7. Cut
Cuts (removes) selected design element(s) and saves them clipboard memory.  These can then be placed in other designs using the Paste command


8. Copy
Saves the selected design element(s) to clipboard memory.  These can then be duplicated within the current design or placed in other designs using the Paste


9. Print
Print the current design window (or Selection ) - [Graphic View]