


Hierarchical Save

Feature Description


Hierarchical Save

The Hierarchical Save icon is only enabled when the active document is a hierarchical design file (i.e., it contains at least one Assembly).

The Hierarchical Save operation, which can be invoked by clicking on the Hierarchical Save icon on the Standard toolbar, is used to save all design documents within a hierarchical design from the bottom up. In other words, this operation opens all of the design documents that are linked as nth-order children of the active design and, beginning with the lowest level designs, saves all of these documents.

Hierarchical Save As

When invoked, the following dialog appears: Hiearchical Save As Setup Window
Hierarchical designs can be saved - in their entirety - to a different location. When you click on  “Hierarchical Save As” entry in the main File menu, the following dialog will appear: The two checkboxes in the upper portion of the dialog provide options that existed in previous versions of eXpress. The Naming Options section, however, is new to this patch and is only available when the “Hierarchical Save As” operation is invoked. This section allows you to specify whether or not a date should be automatically included in the name of each saved file (or for only the top-level file). Also, by default, all data source files (import spreadsheets and design templates) that are stored with the design (in the model directory or one of its subdirectories) will be copied to the new location. You can prevent this by disabling the “Copy Local Data Sources” checkbox on the dialog. Non-local data sources (files that reside outside of the model directory) will not be copied. The Update Test Sets option rebuilds the coverage of all tests prior to saving each design. This option can be used to make sure that coverage on hierarchical tests accurately reflects all subsequent design changes. For larger designs, however, this option may take a significant amount of time.