


Model Save Formats


Feature Description

Opening and saving files in eXpress uses the same MS conventions as other common Windows based tools.  Each time a model is saved the previous saved model extention will be modified to "Model name.bak". to allow rewsurrection of the old model if desired. To open a .bak model the extention needs to be changed back to .exd and it is wise to modify the model name so it is distinguishable from the existing model of the same name

Ability to Save Designs in eXpress in Older Formats

eXpress models can be saved back to the eXpress 5.12 format upto the latest eXpress release format . Invoke the “Save As” (or “Hierarchical Save As”) operation and then, at the bottom of the file locator dialog, select
Note: When saving hierarchically, you can only save to the older 32-bit format when all lower-level models reside in the same directory as the top-level model (or in one of its subdirectories). the possible save formats are 5.12 through 7.4 the Current Release Version.
See Common Warnigns in eXpress - Common Messages as a Design is Opened