


Hierarchical Tests

Feature Description


What are Hierarchical Tests?

Hierarchical Tests are complex tests that allow lower-level tests to be performed at higher levels of a hierarchical design. The way in which hierarchical tests are elaborated depends upon the test type of the inherited test.

Test Inheritance By Type

The following table shows how hierarchical tests are elaborated differently based on the type of the inherited test:
Inherited Test Type
Test Location
Upper-Level Stimuli
Upper-Level Coverage
Upper-Level Interference
upstream & downstream
upstream & downstream
based on lower & upper level interference settings
upstream only
based on lower & upper level interference settings
based on lower & upper level interference settings
*except for signature tests whose symmetry is set to "Identifies Operation/Malfunction"

Upper-Level Coverage & Interference for Inherited Path-Based Tests:

When the inherited test is a path-based test, the test coverage for the hierarchical test includes all output functions that are upstream from the ports on the associated assembly that correspond to monitored inputs (that is, for which the corresponding lower-level stimuli have not been deselected on the inherited test). For Operational and User-Initiated tests (but not for Probe tests), the test coverage will also include all upper-level output functions that are downstream from the corresponding output port on the assembly and upstream from the selected upper-level test location (output flag).
Functions that are only upstream from input ports on the assembly that correspond to deselected stimuli at the lower level will be included as creation interference for the upper-level hierarchical test (provided that creation interference was not disabled for the inherited test, in which case it would be disabled at upper levels as well). Functions that are upstream from the test location, but neither upstream nor downstream from the inherited coverage will be included as observation interference, provided that this has not been disabled on the Interpretation panel for the (upper-level) hierarchical test.

Upper-Level Coverage & Interference for Inherited Coverage-Based Tests:

When the inherited test is a coverage-based test, no upper-level coverage is added to the hierarchical test. If the inherited test is a signature test whose symmetry is set to "Identifies Operation," then all upper-level output functions that are upstream from the inherited coverage will be included as creation interference for the hierarchical test (unless creation interference was disabled for the inherited test at the lower level). Functions downstream from the inherited coverage and upstream from the upper-level test locations will be included as propagation interference. Functions that are upstream from the upper-level test locations, but neither downstream nor upstream from the inherited coverage will be included as observation interference, provided that this has not been disabled on the Interpretation panel for the (upper-level) hierarchical test.
There is no upper-level interference for inherited Inspection tests and inherited Signature tests whose symmetry is set to "Identifies Malfunction" or "Identifies Operation/Malfunction".