


Hiearchical Save As Setup Window

Hiearchical Save As Setup Window

Update Options

1. Update Options
Update Test Sets" check box:
If this checkbox is checked the tests are updated hierarchically
Update Design Templates & Attributes check:
This checkbox causes the Attribute Template to be updated for all levels of the model. It also has a Options button that can be used to change how the Attribute Template is updated
Consolidate check:
This is normally checked for large models to maintain smaller model sizes
Options Selections
Selecting the Options Button opens  the Update Options Window

Namin Options

2. Namin Options
Example:: Window
Write the "If changed" Hierarchical name of the TOP model in this window
Replace text: window  & Match Case:
Allows renaming of model elements as it is resaved. Good to add version # of model or variations of model set
Include Date window : & Remove existing dates:
Allows for adding a date to the model name or removing an existing date from a model name
Only for Top Level Model check:
Restricts previous three capabilities to the top model

Copy Local Data Sources

3. Copy Local Data Sources
Copy Local Data Sources
Allows the Analyst to carry the local data sources with the model

Save Model

4. Save Model
Save Hierarchical Model
After you click on the Save button, the following new dialog will appear, Edit Names of Destination files window  allowing you to view and (if desired) modify the filenames that will be used for the new models created by this operation. File names that will be changed due to entries on the previous dialog are colored blue on this dialog (in the example above, the first two file names will be renamed). You can also edit the new filename by modifying the name in the list on the right. Manually-modified entries will be colored red and can be reset to the originally proposed name by highlighting that cell and clicking on the reset button in the lower-right corner of the dialog.

Cancel Setup

5. Cancel Setup
Cancel Setup (Abort)