


Design Editing Toolbar (Test Set Editing)

Feature Description

When the Test Set Editing Mode is enabled, the Design Editing toolbar (depicted below) contains icons that are used to create new Tests within the active Test Set. By default, the Design Editing toolbar is displayed vertically on the far left side of the eXpress program window (although, like other toolbars, the Analyst can change its location).
Design Editing Toolbar (Test Set Editing)
The following operations can be invoked using icons on this toolbar:

Operational Test

1. Operational Test
Operational tests are path-based tests (defined at an output flag) for which coverage can only be constrained via state selection.

User-Initiated Test

2. User-Initiated Test
User-Initiated tests are path-based tests (defined at an output flag) for which coverage can be modified using state selections, deselected stimuli, and non-detectable functions/failure modes.

Probe Test

3. Probe Test
Probe tests are path-based tests (defined either at an IO flag or on any net for which coverage can be modified via state selections, de-selected stimuli, and non-detectable functions/failure modes.

Signature Test

4. Signature Test
Signature tests are coverage-based tests that are performed at a specified test location (output flag).

BIT Test

5. BIT Test
BIT tests type are coverage-based tests which address situations where interference is desired for a test with enumerated coverage.  

Inspection Test

6. Inspection Test
Inspection tests are coverage-based tests with no specific test location.

Test for Effects

7. Test for Effects
"Tests for Effects" is a test type which allows tests to be created for defined failure effects (either design or object

Hierarchical Test

8. Hierarchical Test
Hierarchical Tests are complex tests that allow lower-level tests to be performed at higher levels of a hierarchical design. The way in which hierarchical tests are elaborated depends upon the test type of the inherited test.

Group Test

9. Group Test
Group Tests are complex tests that combine the test coverage of one or more tests.

Test from

Fault Templates

10. Test from 
Fault Templates
Tests based on Fault templates can be used to represent a prior diagnosis for which a troubleshooting process must be created.

Explicit Inference

11. Explicit Inference

Browse Test Coverage

12. Browse Test Coverage