


Grid View  Showing & Hiding Columns


Feature Description

Based on the selected contents type, a set of checkboxes will appear on the Grid Control panel, representing the different types of data that can be displayed within the grid. The top level checkboxes represent categories of data. When the grid is filled with objects, for example, the top-level categories may be Object Details, Object Attributes, and Duty Cycle Lists (depending upon the data that has been defined for objects in that design). When a top-level checkbox is enabled, additional checkboxes will appear that allow the Analyst to explicitly select which columns are to be displayed (columns can be displayed or hidden within the grid by enabling or disabling these checkboxes).
In the example depicted above, the Item Reference and Description columns are enabled, along with all object attributes.
The order in which columns are displayed in the grid is based on the order in which they have been selected on the Grid Control panel (the column that was selected first is listed on the left side of the grid). To move a column to the far right hand side of the grid, deselect and then re-select that column on the Grid Control panel. Of course, column order can be specified explicitly by disabling all columns and then re-enabling them one by one in the order they are to appear in the grid.