


Grid View Color-Coding

Feature Description

Most cells in Grid View are displayed using black text on a pale yellow background. Grid View also utilizes three types of special color-coding: grayed-out cells to designate data that cannot be edited, colored cells to help the Analyst quickly distinguish between different data types, and colored text to communicate information about a Test limit.

Colored Text

- Grid View uses colored text for a variety of purposes. The following table specifies the meaning of different text colors for different entity types:
Object Abbreviation (red)
multiple objects have the same name
Output Function Abbreviation (red)
multiple output functions on the same port have the same name
Output Function Abbreviation (blue)
multiple output functions on different ports of the same object have the same name
Port Abbreviation (red)
multiple ports (with the same flow direction) on the same object have the same name
Object State Abbreviation (red)
multiple object states on the same object have the same name
Failure Mode Abbreviation (red)
multiple failure modes on the same object have the same name
Failure Mode Percentage (red)
the sum of the object's failure mode percentages is > 100.0
Failure Mode Percentage (green)
the sum of the object's failure mode percentages is < 100.0
Object Effect Abbreviation (red)
multiple failure effects on the same object have the same name
Design Effect Abbreviation (red)
multiple design effects have the same name
Failure Effect Severity (blue)
severity has been automatically determined
Failure Effect Severity (green)
severity has been determined for an imported failure effect
Design State Abbreviation (red)
multiple design states have the same name
Test Set Abbreviation (red)
multiple test sets have the same name
Test Abbreviation (red)
multiple tests in the same test set have the same name
Test Abbreviation (blue)
multiple tests in the different test sets have the same name
Attribute cell (blue)
default / hierarchical attribute Test limit
Attribute cell (green)
imported attribute Test limit

Colored Cells

- For some checkbox cells, the background of the cell is a different color for each possible Test limit that can be selected for that cell. This helps the Analyst quickly evaluate settings for a large set of entities (recognizing, for example, if a single entity has been assigned the wrong Test limit). Among the different columns that feature colored cells are:

Grayed-Out Cells

- When a cell's background is colored gray, then the contents of that cell cannot currently be edited within Grid View. For example, the names of output functions on ports for which automatic function generation is enabled are displayed in grayed-out cells (since the function name cannot be edited when automatic generation is enabled). Also, an empty cell will be grayed out when the column represents a piece of data that does not correspond to the entity represented by that row (for example, if all objects are displayed in Grid View, some of the selected columns may not apply to I/O flags).
The Analyst can disable the use of Colored Text and/or Colored Cells using textboxes on the Grid Control panel.