


Assigning Failure Mode Percentage


Feature Description

Failure modes must be assigned a failure percentage (or failure mode ratio) prior to performing analyses. The percentages are expressed as a fraction of the entire object's failure rate.

How to: Assign Failure Mode Percentages

Begin by Selecting the Object with the failure modes of interest.
Choose the Failure Modes tab within the context panels.
Find the failure mode, and double-click on the failure mode percentage in the second column (shown by the cursor in the picture above).
Once the new percentage is entered, press ENTER or click away from the field to complete the entry.
At the bottom of the Percent column is a number representing the unapportioned percentage (remainder) of object failures. When the percentages assigned to a single object's failure modes are less than or equal to 100%, this number is green. If the total percentages exceeds 100%, however, then this number will be colored red (indicating an over-apportionment).
If the percentages assigned to an object's failure modes add up to 100%, then it is assumed that all of the ways in which that object can fail have been accounted for. If, however, the sum of the percentages is less than 100%, eXpress analyses will assume that the unassigned portion of the object's failure probability is associated with a non-specified (and non-detected) failure mode. If the percentages total more than 100%, eXpress analyses will adjust the values (keeping the same proportions between failure modes) so that they add up to 100%.