


Automatic Function Generation


Feature Description

By default, a single output function is automatically generated for each output or bidirectional port in the design. The name of each automatically-generated output function is derived from the abbreviations of the object and port for which that function was defined. Furthermore, the dependencies for each of these default output functions is set to the full set of input ports on the associated object.
Before output functions can be added to a port, or the name or dependencies of an existing output function can be modified, the Analyst must disable automatic function generation for that port. Once disabled, all output functions on that port will be considered to be Analyst-defined.

Consequences of User-Defined Output Functions

Unlike with automatic functions, the function names on Analyst-defined output functions are not automatically updated when object or port abbreviations are modified. This should be remembered when an object with Analyst-defined functions is copied, pasted and renamed; the functions on the renamed object will retain their original names (based on the source object's abbreviation) and should be modified by the Analyst to reflect the new object name (for an object with many output functions, this can be easily done using the Replace operation in Grid View). Also, when input ports are added to an object, they will not be automatically added to the dependencies of Analyst-defined output functions (as they are for automatic functions). When input ports are added to an object with existing function definitions, the Analyst should review all Analyst-defined output functions for accuracy.

How To Disable Automatic Function Generation

Select the port associated with the output function to be named (the port must be an output or bidirectional port).
Choose the Output Functions tab within the context panels.
Disable the "Automatic" checkbox on the Output Functions panel.