


Output Function Dependencies


Feature Description


What are Output Function Dependencies?

The dependencies of an output function are the specific input ports at which the proper signal must be provided (or, in some cases, not provided) in order for that function to operate properly. These dependencies define the relationships between the inputs and output of the object, describing how signals flow through objects. Establishing the correct output function dependencies is a critical step in developing a functional model, since many eXpress features (such as the automatic elaboration of test coverage) utilize the signal flow that is established using these dependencies.
The following example demonstrates how signal flow is in part defined by output function dependencies:
By default, output functions include all of the object's input ports as dependencies (as depicted for object A at left).
In order that the correct signal flow be established, the default output function dependencies must often be edited.
With object B, each of the object's two output functions have been edited so that they depend upon only one input port.
Notice that, in this example, the changed dependencies result in functions being propagated passively (on object B), rather than actively (as with object A).

How to Work with Output Functions

For details on working with output function dependencies, choose from the following actions: