


Naming & Renaming Output Functions


Feature Description

Output functions are the only type of function that can be explicitly named by the Analyst. Net functions, although automatically named, have their names derived in part from the output function names. Output function names can be modified either using the Output Functions panel or from within Grid View.
Before output functions can be renamed, the Analyst must first disable automatic functions for the associated port (for a discussion of the consequences of this, please refer to the topic "Automatic Function Generation").

How To Name Functions (using Panels)

Select the port associated with the output function to be named (the port must be an output or bidirectional port).
Choose the Output Functions tab within the context panels.
If it is not already disabled, turn off automatic function generation by disabling the "Automatic" checkbox on the Output Functions panel.
Double click on a function name to enter editing mode. A new name must either be typed in or pasted from the clipboard.

How To Name Functions (using Grid View)

Select the port(s) (or, alternatively, select the objects) associated with the output function(s) to be named.
Alternative: Names can be modified for all output functions by invoking Grid View with nothing selected.
Click on the Grid View icon on the View toolbar.
If necessary, select "Output Functions" from the Contents Type drop-box on the Grid Control panel.
Edit the label that appears in the Output Function Abbreviation column for the desired output function. Note: If the abbreviation field is shaded gray, then automatic function generation must be disabled on the Output Functions panel (see step 3 above) before the output function name can be modified.
Although naming functions with the same name creates a behavior that is sometimes desirable, it can happen inadvertently and cause unexpected results. Therefore, be aware of the implications of duplicate function names.