


Net Function Naming

Feature Description

Net functions, including their names, are created automatically as part of propagating output functions. Names are assigned differently based on whether functions have been created via active or passive propagation, and whether the port from which the function emerges was named explicitly or based on net naming.

How Net Functions are Named

When Viewing Net Functions, you may notice different formats of labeling. These differences in syntax indicate differences in how the function has been propagated. The following table indicates when each syntax is used:
Used in Active Propagation.
A = Output Function Name
A [B-C]
Used in Passive Propagation.
A = Function Name
B = Object responsible for propagating the signal
C = Port responsible for propagating the signal
A : B
Used for Active Propagation with Net Naming*
A = Net Name on which function first occurs
B = Output Function that created the net function
A : B [C-D]
Combination resulting in Passive Propagation of an Actively Propagated signal that used Net Naming
A = Net Name on which function first occurs
B = Output Function that created the net function
C = Object currently responsible for propagation
D = Port currently responsible for propagation
* - Net Naming mode is selected when the net is named and the port's abbreviation is marked for "Automatic Naming from Net". In this case, eXpress changes the labeling method in order to provide greater traceability to the originating functions.