


Automatic Port Naming Using Net Names


Feature Description

Although port abbreviations can be assigned explicitly by the Analyst, it is sometimes desirable to let the software automatically derive port abbreviations from the names of the nets to which each port is connected (see Net Naming for additional discussion of this method).

How to Automatically Name Ports (using Net Names)

Select the Port  to be named.
Choose the Details tab from the context panels.
Enable the "Automatic Naming from Net" checkbox, or remove the port name shown.
Once auto-label is enabled, the port will continually pick up the name of the net to which the port is attached. With the automatic naming mode in effect, changes to how net functions are named can also be observed.

Precautions using Automatic Port Naming Using Net Names

There are some potential side effects when more than one port is assigned the same name (see the discussion of Duplicate Port Names).