


Selecting Ports

Feature Description

There are several ways in which ports can be selected:
The most straightforward way to select ports is to use the left mouse button and click on the desired port(s). Use the <SHIFT> or <CTRL> key to highlight multiple ports.
Another way to select ports is with a "lasso" operation. To select using a lasso, click the left mouse button on a blank area of the design, and then drag the mouse to box out an area. When the mouse button is released, select "Select Ports" from the popup menu that appears.
A third way to select ports is to click on the corresponding entries in the Explorer Tree.
First, find the object associated with the desired port within the appropriate top-level object folder (COMPONENTS, ASSEMBLIES, I/O FLAGS or CONNECTORS). the right hand button will open the panel shown to the left to allow the analyst to chose the desired options. This panel can also be opend in the main toolbar Design Menu chosing "Objects/Select Ports".
Then each of the options shown below can be chosen.
Select Ports
When one or more objects are selected (highlighted) the Select Ports submenu can be used to select ports based on one of the following critera:
  • All Ports
  • Nearest Side on Object (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)
  • Port Type/Flow Direction (Bidirectional, Control, Input, Output, Unused)
  • Net Connections (Connected, Non-Connected)
  • Unlinked Ports (assembly ports for which there is no lower-level I/O flag)
The Select Ports submenu can be accessed by right-clicking on a selected object (or the background of the design sheet) or by selecting Objects within the Design menu.
Sub-Select Ports
When one or more ports have been selected, the Sub-Select Ports submenu can be used to reduce the port selections based on one of the following criteria:
  • Nearest Side on Object (Left, Right, Top or Bottom)
  • Port Type/Flow Direction (Bidirectional, Control, Input, Output, Unused)
  • Net Connections (Connected, Non-Connected)
  • Unlinked Ports (assembly ports for which there is no lower-level I/O flag)
The Sub-Select Ports submenu can be accessed by right-clicking on a selected port (or the background of the design sheet) or by selecting Ports within the Design menu.
Select All
All ports in the design can be selected by choosing Select All from the Ports submenu of the Design menu.
Alternative: All ports can also be selected by choosing Select All Ports from the context menu that appears when the Analyst right-clicks on the background of the main design window when nothing is highlighted.
Note: Because this method does not highlight entries in the Explorer tree, it is particularly useful when working with large designs.