


Deleting Ports


Feature Description

When a port is deleted, it is removed from the object along with associated functions and its net connections, if applicable. If, after deleting the port, any net only has a single connection, the net will also be deleted. Because ports are closely related to design functionality, the Analyst should be extremely cautious when deleting ports and consider the effects that the deletion may have upon other areas of the design.

How to Delete Selected Ports

Select the port(s) to be deleted.
Choose "Delete..." from the main Edit menu.
Alternative 1: Use the <DEL> key on the keyboard.
Alternative 2: Right-click on any of the selected ports (or on the design sheet background) and select "Delete" from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 3: Select "Delete..." from the Ports submenu within the Design menu.
Alternative 4: All ports can be deleted from a design by selecting "Delete All..." from the Ports submenu within the Design menu (ports need not be selected prior to performing this operation).

How to Delete All Ports for Selected Objects

Select the object(s) from which ports are to be deleted.
Select "Delete All" from the Ports submenu within the Design menu.
Warning - Deleted ports, and any resulting deletions to functions and nets, can only be restored by reloading the design without saving, thereby losing all other current changes.