


Grid View Undoing & Redoing Changes


Feature Description

Grid View provides an Undo operation that can be used to reverse a single cell operation (Copy, Cut, Edit, Paste, Reset) within the grid. When cells have been modified using multiple cell operations, the Undo operation will reverse only the most recent of those operations. If multiple cells have been edited using a single operation, then all cells affected by that operation will be reversed to their previous state. For attributes, however, the Undo operation will reverse the value in the cell, but it will still consider the attribute value to have been Analyst-assigned (even if the cell previously contained the default value). To reset the status (as opposed to just the value) of the attribute value to default, use the Reset to Default operation.
If the Undo operation is called accidentally, the cell changes can be re-acquired using the Redo operation. The Redo operation is only available immediately after the Undo operation has been invoked (once additional modifications are made, only the Undo operation will be available). Like the Undo operation, Redo does not change the status of an attribute (only its value). If, for instance, after resetting an attribute to its default value, the Analyst invokes the Undo operation. The Redo operation will set the cell back to the default attribute value, but the attribute will be marked as used-assigned (once again, to reset to the status as well as the value, use the Reset to Default operation).

How to Undo Changes

Right-click on any cell in the grid (it does not have to be a cell that has been modified) and select Undo from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Ctrl+Z key combination. 

How to Redo Changes

Right-click on any cell in the grid (it does not have to be a cell that has been modified) and select Redo from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Ctrl+Y key combination.