


Grid View Pasting Cells


Feature Description

Because it allows data to be quickly copied and pasted between ranges of cells, Grid View can serve as a powerful batch editing tool. When data is to be imported a single time from an external spreadsheet, the Paste operation can be used in lieu of creating an import data source—simply copy the cells in the external spreadsheet and then paste them into the corresponding cells in Grid View (in the grid, the design elements must be listed in the same order as in the spreadsheet in order for this to work).
When a single cell has been copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into a range of selected destination cells by invoking the Paste operation. When a range of Test limits has been copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into the same number of cells by selecting the first cell in the destination range and invoking the Paste operation. Ranges of copied cells can be pasted multiple times by selecting a larger range of destination cells (the copied cells will be repeated as many times as the entire set can fit in the selected destination range).

How to Paste Cells in Grid View

Select the cells to which Test limits are to be pasted.
Right-click on any of the highlighted cells and select Paste from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Ctrl+V key combination. 
Alternative 2: Use the  Paste icon on the Standard toolbar.
Alternative 3: Select  Paste from the main Edit menu.