


Converting Time Units


Feature Description

Because eXpress automatically converts units for time attributes and reliability attributes (when entered as MTBFs), the Analyst is able to enter the same attribute using different units for different entities. Other tools, however, may require all time-based Test limits to be represented using the same units. Because of this, Grid View can convert these attributes to a single unit, so that exported Test limits can be more easily used by other tools (Note: the Test limits are only converted in the grid; the actual attribute Test limits within the eXpress software remain stored in the originally entered units).
The Analyst can specify that time-based attributes are to be displayed using a single unit by enabling the "Convert MTBFs" and/or "Convert Time Attributes" checkboxes on the Grid Control panel and then selecting the units to be displayed. Once converted, the specified units will appear in the headers of reliability and/or time attribute columns (rather than in the data cells themselves). This will also help simplify the parsing of exported data by external tools. In the sample grid below, both the Reliability and Time attributes columns have been converted to a single unit.