


Reliability Attribute

Feature Description

The reliability Attribute is used for assigning reliability values to elements in a design. The editing dialog for reliability Attributes (depicted below), allows the Analyst to define the reliability value in terms of either failure rate or MTBF (mean time between failures).This dialog can be invoked by clicking on one of the "Edit Default" buttons on the Attribute Definitions dialog (the same editing fields appear on the right side of the Attributes panel when editing the value of a reliability Attribute for a specific element in the design). Note: the reliability Attribute used to define the failure rates for eXpress analyses must be assigned the name "Reliability".
Reliability Attributes can also be edited in Grid View (see the topic Attribute Editing using Grid View).

How to Work with Reliability Attributes

The Analyst can enter reliability data as either a failure rate (FR) or mean time between failures (MTBF). The two are generally considered to be interchangable, since (with failure rates specified as failures per million hours) MTBF = 1,000,000 / FR.
Regardless of which method is used, the other field will be calculated using the formula MTBF = 1,000,000 / FR (the non-selected field is not updated during entry, so the Analyst will have to change Attributes or elements and then come back in order to see the updated field).