Initialization - This setting specifies the default setting to be applied to each failure mode's affected functions (the setting used if an output function is not listed for that failure mode on the spreadsheet). Normally, the import unmarks all functions and then marks only those found in the spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet is meant to supplement what is already marked, select the "Leave existing affect settings alone" options.
Set Upon Import To - This setting identifies the affected function setting to be used when an output function is listed for a given failure mode on the spreadsheet. It can be marked as either "Always Affects", "Sometimes Affects" or "Never Affects". The default setting ("Sometimes Affects") is the most diagnostically conservative option.
Override Characters - Specifies what special characters can be used in the spreadsheet to override the import setting. With the default options, placing a tilde in front of the output function name can be used to indicate a sometimes affects relationship, and an exclamation point can be used to indicate an always affects relationship.