


Max Severity Weighting Settings


Feature Description


Seveity weighting Settings

When the Detection Option "Detect Critical Malfunctions" is chosen in diagnostics the Analyst can set up the Priorities for the end item effects based on Severity of these effects. There are 4 Max Severity (End Item Effects) Detection weightings  and 4 Mean Severity (End Item Effects) Detection weightings as shown below.
Note the priority on the 4 Max Severity is 150  and the 4 Mean Severity weighting are 100 which means the test with Max Severity Failure modes and Functions will be considered first in the diagnostics in setting up a detection order meaning the most critical failures will be detected first (Max Severity) [Default Setup]
For most Analyst usage these setting will not be required to be changed when selecting the Detect Critical Malfunctions. A typical change might be setting Max Secuity Functions Priority to 140 so Failure modes will be detected before functions etc.
Max Severity
4 Mean Severity
NOTE: Since Weightings in an advanced feature and most times there is no need to change the weightings, only one example is given in this help as all are very similar and left to the Analyst who is interested to investigate.