


Copying Objects

Feature Description

Object copying is an important skill because it can not only greatly reduce the time needed to develop a model, but can also improve model accuracy (since often only minor adjustments are necessary for each copy of an object). Objects that are copied are placed into the clipboard into several formats, including common graphics formats like Windows Metafile (WMF).
When an object is copied, most of the entities associated with that object are also copied, including:
Note: Object Effects are not included on a copied object since specific failures on different instances of an object may have different effects/severity.

How To Copy Objects

Select the Object(s)  to be copied.
Right-click on any of the highlighted objects and select Copy from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Ctrl+C key combination
Alternative 2: Use the Copy icon on the Standard toolbar.
Alternative 3: Select Copy from the main Edit menu.

What To Do with Copied Objects

Once objects have been copied, they can be pasted 
The generic nature of the Windows clipboard means that copied objects can be put to an unlimited number of uses. Because the symbol is stored as a Windows Metafile, it maintains its quality as it is resized.