


Replicating Objects

Feature Description

The Replicate Object operation creates multiple duplicates of the selected (highlighted) object, lining them up in a specified number of rows and columns. In many cases, this operation can be a time-saving alternative to the copy, paste, align and distribute operations that would otherwise have been needed to accomplish the same task. Also, unlike the copy and paste operations, the Replicate operation does not use the Windows Clipboard.

Replication Procedure with object selected

Select Object to be replicated and use right hand mouse button to select replicate as shown to the right.
The window shown below will open to allow setup of quantity and configuration
The following images depict the option dialog for Replicate Object operation (at left) and the results of having applied  this operation using the default settings below. Note that the replicated items have names that are incremented from the item replicated. Failure modes and Failure effects can setup to also be replicated with the item.
See General Options windows-Other Options  Button 5 -

Copy/Paste Failure Effects with Objects When this option is used the Object names on the replicated objects will not be correct for the failure modes and Failure effects. These can easily be corrected using the following procedure.

Using eXcel to change Object Names on Failure modes

Use the Objects Across and Objects Down fields to specify the layout and total number of replications. The Horizontal and Vertical Spacing fields indicates how much space will be left in between replicated objects.
After replication, the newly-added objects will be highlighted (with the originally selected object no longer highlighted).
This allows the Analyst to easily delete the new objects by right-clicking on the background and invoking the delete operation if the operation was not completed as intended.