


Using eXcel to change Object Names on Failure modes

Note that all the Object red names are wrong on the Failure Mode Abbreviations Generated by Replicate with the option setup to Replicate failure modes and failure effects also.
Also notice that the Filter "Open" has been made to only show the open failure modes for this illustration.
Clicking the mouse curser in the box as shown to the left will generate an Excel file with the data shown
  • Spread "Failed Open" into an Empty Column on the EXCEL Spreadsheet
  • Then choose "Formulas Text"
  • A List of Formulas will appear.
  • Choose "CONCATENATE"  to open the "Function Auguments" window shown to the right
  • Fill in the Text1 thru test3 as shown in the "Function Auguments" window shown to the right (Text2 = dash)
  • C24-Failed Open will appear in E2  when "OK" is selected as shown below
 Spread the Formula in Column E2 into Columns below and Object Names will now be correct.
Copy this Column and paste it into express using "Paste Values"
Object name will now be correct for the Failure Open failure modes.
Do the same procedure for Failed Short using the "Short" filter
Then do the same for the Failure effects or use the automatic procedure for generating functional failure modes Having eXpress create Failure Effects
Object names will now be correct