


Align Ports on Different Objects




How to Align Ports on other objects

A new “Align Ports on Other Objects” operation has been added to the Special section of the right-click context menu for ports.  For the selected port(s), this operation will reposition connected ports on other objects so that they line up with the selected ports (and so the connecting net is drawn using a single segment).
Note: To do this the object to which the alignment is to made must be setup as follows:
Align Ports on Different Objects

Port Settings ICON

1. Port Settings ICON
The Settings on the Port Auto Distribute Settings Panel must be correct to use Align Ports on other objects as shown below
Cable 2 must have the settings shown at the right to allow aligning ports to cable 1

Aligning Process:
Resulting Alignment
When Align Ports on Other Object is chosen it will result in the ports aligned and the nets showing up as shown above
If the "Align Ports on Other Objects" is grayed out the Alignment Setup is not setup correcctly.   Repeat that process