


Exported Object States

In the eXpress eXpress Model topology export format, the Object States column contains the abbreviation of one or more object states that are associated with the entry in the Object column (there must be an entry in this cell). The values in the Object States column can represent states for which functions are active, or for which ports are control dependencies (depending on the values in the Port and Function columns). When the Port column is empty, the Object States value represents either a state whose active functions are set to "automatic" or a state for which all control dependencies have been explicitly excluded. Preceding each object state name is an optional prefix that can specify whether that cell is defining that state's active functions or control dependencies (with bidirectional ports, this can be ambiguous). Furthermore, this prefix can specify whether or not states for that object are mutually-exclusive and whether no state selections are allowed for that object. The prefix—which must be enclosed in square braces and followed by a colon—consists of a string of the following optional characters:
So, the prefix [C1]: in cell F2 of the example below indicates that the input port in that row is a control dependency of the given state. The same prefix in cell F16 indicates that all ports are explicitly excluded from the control dependencies of that state (since the Port and Function columns are both empty for that row). The prefix [F1]: in cell F3 indicates that the function listed in that row is an active function of the state. For these prefixes, the "1" indicates that states are mutually exclusive on these objects. In cell F11, the prefix [A2]: indicates that active functions are set to automatic for the given state (notice that the Port and Function columns are empty for that row) and that states are not mutually exclusive on that object. Finally, the prefix [F01]: in cell F24 specifies an active function on an object with mutually exclusive states and that allows no states to be enabled.