


Exported Columns Links

The following chart lists and briefly describes each of the different columns that can be included in the eXpress Model topology export. For a detailed description of each exportable column, click on the entry in the "Column Header" column. For details on how these columns can be controlled using the Export Topology to Spreadsheet Dialog, refer to the Topology Export Control Chart.
Column Header
object abbreviation
abbreviation of a port associated with a given object
flow direction (input, output, etc.) of a given port
Analyst-assigned output function name (blank for automatic functions)
abbreviations of the input port dependencies for a given output function
states associated with an output function or input port (control dependency)
abbreviation of a net connected to a given port
I/O flag abbreviation
symbol associated with a given object, I/O flag or annotation
color of a given object, I/O flag or annotation
location of a given object, I/O flag or annotation
size of a given object, I/O flag or annotation
location of a given port
type of a given net (wire, pipe)
color of a given net
font type to be used for the given object, I/O flag or annotation
font size to be used for the given object, I/O flag or annotation
text color for the given object, I/O flag or annotation
text justification and anchor point for an object, I/O flag or annotation
annotation abbreviation