


Exported Net Type

In the eXpress eXpress Model topology export format, the Net Type column contains information about the appearance of the net listed in the corresponding Net column. The cells in this column list the net type ("Pipe" or "Wire" or, alternatively, "P" or "W") with a routing prefix and (for pipes) a postfix describing the size of the pipe. The routing prefixes are as follows:
When the net type is set to "Pipe", the cell may also contain a pair of values in the format [T#,B#] that describe the thickness (T) and borders (B) of the pipe (these values must be enclosed in square brackets). In the example below, the net that corresponds to row 2 is a pipe of thickness 7 and with borders of width 2, for which the routing method is "Full path."
Although eXpress exports all portions of this field, the eXpress Spreadsheet Topology Import treats each section (prefix, net type, thickness, borders) as optional. The following chart describes how a few different combinations would be interpreted during importing:
a stubbed pipe of thickness 1
Pipe [T3,B0]
a stubbed pipe of thickness 3 with no borders
#P [T4]
a fully routed pipe of thickness 4
a fully-routed wire
(empty cell)
a stubbed wire