


Exported Justification

In the eXpress eXpress Model topology export format, the Justification column contains the coordinates used by eXpress to specify the relative location of the object described in the Object, I/O Flag, or Annotation column of the spreadsheet. Cells in the Justification column contain the justification method ("Right", "Left", "Center" or "Full"), followed by a comma-delimited pair of xy coordinates defining the anchor point of the text, optionally surrounded by parentheses, square brackets or curly braces. The following pairs are all "legal" representations of object location:
Although the eXpress eXpress Model topology export uses the curly braces, the Spreadsheet Topology Import accepts any of these representations. The comma-delimited xy coordinates (x= horizontal; y=vertical) represent the relative location of the text anchor point on the object, with {0,0} representing the top left corner of the object and {50,50} representing the exact center of the object. Text can be positioned outside of the object by using an anchor point with coordinates less than zero or greater than 100 (-10 and 110 are the minimum and maximum values allowed for each coordinate). In the example below, the text anchor point is at {110,40} for the object represented in row 10. Since the text is also left-justified for that object, this setting will result in the text appearing to the right of the object, a little above the middle.