


How to setup a Newly Created Test Program


How to setup a Newly Created Test Program

The newly created test program will appear in the Explorer Tree. In the example at left, a test program named “ATE Testing Procedure” was created. If you were to look at the Attribute definitions for the design, you would see that a new checklist Attribute (named “TestProgram”) has been defined for tests. The checklist will have a single entry—“ “ATE Testing Procedure” ”.
If you right-click either on the individual test program name or on the main TEST PROGRAMS folder, context menus will appear allowing you to create additional test programs or remove test programs that you’ve already created.
Step 1:   Next the usage of the test Program should be selected as showwn below.
Step 2:  In the context menu that appears when you right-click on the main TEST PROGRAMS folder, there is an important feature called “Test Program Optimization…” When you click on this entry in the menu, the following dialog will appear:

Step 1: Setting up Usage on Test Programs

Created test Programs are similar to test sets in that they need to be designated according to their usage as shown to the left


Step2: Assigning tests to Test Programs

Using the right hand mouse button on the TEST PROGRAM folder as shown to the right will open the Context panel shown below to allow the analyst to choose the tests to be put into the Test Program. Note the assigned  Test Program to each test was the designated default chose in the attribute setup.
If your model is not linked to a diagnostic study, this dialog can be used to review and manually assign tests to test programs. If you select “All Tests Available for Diagnostics” in the “Fill With” dropbox at the top, the dialog will list all tests that are defined in test sets whose usage setting indicates that they are available for diagnostics.
The tests are alphabetically sorted alphabetically by name in the column on the left. In the column on the right, there are dropboxes allowing you to "Manually" select the test program for each test.