


Creating Test Programs


Feature Description


How to Create a Test Program

eXpress provides diagnostic engineers with a mechanism for organizing tests into test programs based on their diagnostic utility. Although intended as a means of optimizing the batches of tests performed on Automatic Test Equipment, this feature can be used to effectively stratify testing for a variety of run-time scenarios.
 In eXpress, a test program is a special type of virtual test set that is populated based on Attribute settings on tests. Unlike many Attribute-related features in eXpress, the special Attribute that is used by this feature is automatically defined by the software when you create your first test program.
To create a test program, simply select “New Test Program…” from the Test Programs section of the main Design menu (depicted at right). You will then be prompted for the name to be given to the newly created test program. The first time that you do this, the prompt shown below  will appear:
Click on “Continue” to create the special “TestProgram” Attribute—a checklist Attribute defined for tests (with no space in the name). The checklist will initially have a single entry representing the new test program.  If the Test Program is not the first one to be created, the above window will not appear but the check list attribute will be added as shown to the right. Here the checklist is setup for 2 Test Programs with ATE Testing Procedure designated as default and the Assigned Values designate the order in which they will run in diagnostics