


Coverage Type Property on Tests


Feature Description

You can now set a fixed coverage type for each test, indicating whether the coverage of that test should always be defined in terms of functions, or always in terms failure modes (when defined). This option can be set in Grid View, or using a special drop box on the test Details panel:
In this example, the coverage type has been set to “Failure Modes (wherever possible)”, meaning that the coverage for that test will be automatically defined in terms of failure modes. Coverage that cannot be translated into failure modes will remain defined in terms of functions.
When the a test’s coverage type is set to either functions or failure modes, then, if you try to manually convert coverage to a type that conflicts with assigned coverage type, the prompt at right will appear, letting you know that this change will reset the coverage type to allow for mixed coverage.
If the coverage type property is not selected, the prompt at left will appear if you invoke a batch operation to convert existing coverage for one or more selected tests or test sets. This prompt asks whether to change the coverage type property for the specified tests or just convert the tests’ existing coverage.