


Ability to Import Attribute Test limits from DiagML


Feature Description 


Importing Attributes From DiagML

You  have the ability to import Attribute Test limits from a DiagML file. To do this, first create the data source on the Data Source Administration dialog (the DiagML Attribute Import will be listed under the XML Imports folder). Next, select the file name for the diagml file from which you wish to import. The dropboxes on the properties panel will then be automatically populated with data from the selected file. Next, select the Entity Type, Hierarchy Level and Attribute to Import. Then, on the bottom half of the panel, specify the Attribute in the eXpress model that should “receive” the imported data.
In this example, the properties panel has been set up to import an object Attribute called “LCN” from the specified DiagML file and store the Test limits in the an object Attribute (also called “LCN”) in the eXpress model.