


Export Suspected Connections to DiagML

The lists of first-order downstream and upstream ports that can be included for each fault group in the Fault Group Details Report can now be exported to DiagML as Suspected Connections (for use within DSI Workbench or any other application that can make use of this data).
This option (which is disabled by default) can be enabled by clicking on the “Suspected Connections” checkbox that appears within the Diagnostic Data section of the tree on the DiagML Options dialog.
Click on this checkbox once to export only External ports (that is, only ports that are not themselves involved in the isolated fault group). To export both Internal and External connections, click again on the “Suspected Connections” checkbox. When this option is enabled, a red check will appear in the checkbox (as shown in the example at right).
You can specify whether the suspected connections list should contain downstream or upstream input ports (or both), and whether a Relative Failure Probability should be included for each input port.
You can also specify whether the probability for each input port should be calculated by summing the probabilities of the functions that depend upon it (downstream functions) or the functions that the input port depends upon (upstream functions).
In the DiagML schema, first-order upstream and downstream input ports are listed in an optional
<SuspectedConnections> section within each <MaintenanceProcedureExecution> step. The full path to this section is: