


Advanced DiagML Options

A new Advanced DiagML Options dialog can be invoked by clicking on the “gear” icon on the lower right corner of the main DiagML Options dialog. The Advanced DiagML Options dialog has five panels that allow control over aspects of the export that could not be easily represented on the main dialog.
The Precision panel (shown at right) lets you specify the number of decimal digits exported
for all <FailureRate> fields, <RelativeFailProb> fields, and the <Rate> field that is included for each exported failure mode.
The Prefixes panel allows you to specify how the Hierarchical Context is to be constructed for various entities in the exported DiagML file. Specifically, you are able to choose the reference method for lower- level models associated with only one assembly.
On the Special Test Fields panel are options for two special fields—<ExecutionEnvironment> and <Locator>—that can be represented in multiple ways within a DiagML file. It also allows you to specify whether the <TestPoint> field should be included as a parameter for each test procedure.
The Diagnostic Procedures panel provides you with various options for the construction of elements in a <DiagnosticProcedure><Outcome>.
On the Maintenance Procedures panel you can specify whether to derive the details for each <MaintenanceProcedure> from the top-level model to which the diagnostic study is linked or from the copy of the model within that study.