


Number of Items Cutoff Setup

Number of Items      Defaults shown in blue
in Window has no Options (Suspected Items)
Condition window has no Options (Count)
Action Window options shown below
The Hierarchy setup for the diagnostic was changed for this illustration to isolate the ECU components so a more realistic example can be shown (Below replacement item level)
Without Cutoff
With Number of Items Cutoff Count set to  3
This illustration shows the effect of changing the number of Suspected Items from 1 (default) to 3. Note that no ambiguity set above 3 is effected. In essence this cutoff is telling the diagnostic to to ignore refinement of ambiguities of less than 3. This would be useful to control repair to 3 items where high speed turnaround is needed to reduce downtime in critical situations by replacing three items rather than 1 to insure the failure is corrected rapidly. In this example we see 14 instances where isolation to 1 is ignored in favor of less than 3 (87 to 73).  Note that it appears that while there are 3 additional isolations to 2 and 2 additional isolations of 1 and 2 to 3, these do not add up to 14 items reduced from 1. There are 6 items in the 2 additional ambiguities of 3 and 6 items in the 3 Ambiguities of 2 which does not addup to 14. This indicates that some of the ambiguities went from 2 to 3. Only a close look at the Flow diagram or Fault Group report would show how these Ambiguity set changed by setting this cutoff.  Also it should be noted that this did not affect the detection (only the isolation).