


Number of Tests Cutoff Setup

Number of Tests Cutoff Setup - Defaults shown in blue
in Window Options    
Modifier Window Options
Count Window Options - NONE
Action Window Options
Note:  Once a Cufoff has been defined it can be altered by opening its folder and Selecting the item to change causing the above window to re-open to allow the change.
Example of Multiple fault Cutoff
No Number of test Cutoffs
With theNumber of Inspection Tests reduced to Cutoff at count of 4
Here you can see the effect of reducing the amount of inspection tests in a multiple fault situation. Isolation to 1 went from 86 down to 74
Example of Common Cause Cutoff
Without Cutoff
With Cutoff Count set to 1
Here in the "non-default" setup above we see that the tests set "Brake Inspection Tests was set a limit of "4 Inspection tests" that can be used for "Isolation". In each case it reduced the number of items isolated to 1. The analyst needs to have a good understanding of the model and its tests to use this Cutoff effectively. In very large systems with many operating modes and tests, Cutoffs can help to limit unnessesary tests by using the "Number of Tests Cutoff" or to see the efffeciency of the testing system.